Hosting events to educate, inspire, and facilitate music industry career growth, exploration, and new relationships.
Making the music industry feel like a FAMily - one relationship at a time - since 2017.
The FAM is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization
“The authenticity of the FAM is what brought me to these awesome people and is what keeps me coming back.”
— Alex S.

The FAM is about collaboration.
“The FAM is a place that can bring together all sorts of individuals with different goals, passions, and pursuits all the while maintaining a family relationship that never dwindles.”
— Mitchell A.

The FAM is about access.
“After joining the FAM last year, I've worked for and collaborated with more artists and known people in the music industry than I have my whole life.
The people you meet here really care about you!”
— Rachel J.

The FAM is about mental health.
“I really enjoyed my time in The FAM @ USC!
I learned so much about the music industry and I’m excited to stay involved with the nonprofit as a graduate to help people learn and explore.”
— Yising K.